Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Sunday, August 2, 2009
More North Dakota
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Day Off in Minot
Friday, July 31, 2009
Best Worst Day Ever

Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Center of North America
After two consecutive days of waking up at 5 AM for rides over 90 miles, we had an extra hour to sleep today. Although we did get more sleep, it did not seem to make any difference because we had completed 116 miles the previous day and we were absolutely exhausted. Lucky for us, we only had to ride about 60 miles into Rugby, ND today. The bad news is that we would be on Route 2 again, battling the energy and speed draining headwinds. I rode most of the morning with Kat and Rachel; we took it pretty easy and went at a comfortable pace. We found it a little odd that only a couple people passed us, but it seemed as if everyone had the same mentality and just rode easy.
Finding a good lunch spot anywhere in North Dakota is always tough because towns are so sparse and spread out. Kelsey eventually found a spot in what was pretty much the only town from Devils Lake to Rugby. The town was called Leeds and consisted of just a few buildings. We ended up eating in the parking lot of a frozen food company. At lunch we discussed our plan of attack for the North Dakota State Fair in Minot and talked about which concerts were going to be there during our day off and what else we wanted to do. We also tried to get free or discounted tickets to the Fair, but were unsuccessful and it looked like we be paying the 7 bucks for admission.
Following lunch the sun decided to hide on us, while the wind blew harder in our faces. The remainder of the ride was pretty boring and long as we rolled over more flats and passed field after field, until we finally hit the town of Rugby, which claims to be the Geographical Center of North America. We all thought that was pretty cool and posed for some pictures in front of a rock tower marking the center. In the same parking lot was a diner and seeing as dinner would not be provided tonight, about a dozen of us ate there. The food and service was excellent. The most popular order was a double bacon cheeseburger with curly fries and a glass of chocolate milk. We also worked a 20% discount on our meals, which is always awesome.
Once we completed our meals and the one mile left to Rugby High School, a large group of us headed downtown to explore and gather items for the evening activities. People had been looking forward to this evening for weeks; it was our Prom! The store of choice was the local thrift store, where we picked out ridiculous costumes. After we cooked a Mexican dinner and had our weekly family meeting it was time to party at Prom. The lights in the gym were dimmed and we bordered the dance area with our red LED blinking lights. It was quite the sight. The theme for the evening was couples and we ended up with a Hugh Hefner and his bunny, a salsa dancing couple, and a pair as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich among other funny costumes. As the festivities got underway, the music was not loud enough coming from the laptop, so we moved the party outside to the parking lot and used the van stereo. Outside, we got some odd looks from locals who happened to be driving by. We were slightly apprehensive about this so we moved back inside and found a way to connect our music to the loudspeakers in the gym. And as the music got louder the night got more fun, as people starting dancing on top of bleachers and balconies and raining fake money down upon the people dancing below. The ridiculous night continued to curfew and then had to unfortunately end, because we would have to wake up in the morning and bike ride another day before our second day off!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Welcome to North Dakota
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I Really Hope the Wind Dies Down
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Monday, July 27, 2009
Round 2 into Bemidji
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Welcome to Highway 2 ...and Headwinds
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Build Day in Cloquet
Today we had our eighth build day, and it was probably one of the most fun build day we had yet. The build site was a good 30 min van ride away in Cloquet, MN, so Habitat got us another van to shuttle us over there. We were all working at the same site, which isn't always the case. And I like when were are able to work together. It is much more fun that way. At the build site we trimmed and marked trusses, put up a roof, dug trenches and insulated the foundation. A news crews came by and filmed us for a while. Everyone was impressed with what we were doing and how fast we were making progress on the house. Lunch was provided at a car dealership, where they were grilling hamburgers and hot dogs for us. There was also a moon bounce, and dunk tank. I of course was dared to go sit on the dunk tank. Daryl who worked for Habitat really wanted me to do it, so I did. Will ended up dunking me first and I think I got dunked 2 more times afterwards. The owner of the car dealership liked my efforts and rewarded me with a hat. I was soaked, but ready to go back to work. I didn't mind doing it for a few laughs and smiles. After lunch we finished putting the roof on and called it a day. We went back to the church ate some pizza, bagel sandwiches, and leftovers before about 20 of us went to see the local Dutulth Huskies baseball team for free. We all had a lot of fun and enjoyed that treat after a hard days work.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Bike Paths are Fun
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Well That was a Long Ride
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Our First Day Off!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Going to the Twin Cities
The ride from Pepin, WI to St. Paul, MN contained multiple large climbs. It felt as if we were going up hill all day. To make it better, it absolutely poured. I luckily ended up missing most of the rain, because a few of us (eventually turned into about a dozen) decided to stop at a little diner and get another breakfast; it was good, but the portions weren't large enough. After avoiding most of the rain, we hit the road again, continuing to climb. The nice part about it was that it seemed the higher we went the nicer the weather got. It ended up being pretty nice once we reached the church in St. Paul, but once we were there the weather took another turn around and began to pour again. I felt bad for the few still out there. We showered in parishioners homes, at dinner with a lot of the community and then had home stays. I for one am not particularly a fan of home stays because they separate the group, but you do get a comfortable bed to sleep in. My house ended up having 6 of us there, but all the other hosts took in 2 people.

Monday, July 20, 2009
Fun Day Riding into Pepin
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Seeing Three States at Once
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Another Century into Gays Mills
I have not updated the blog for a while now, and I apologize. I will try and get caught up over the next few nights. Anyways, over a week ago we biked into Gays Mills, WI. The ride was 101 miles and covered in hills and gusting winds. Needless to say, the day was very long and difficult. We were going at a decent pace, but were probably not going to get in until about 7 pm. At this point we knew that there were at least 10 people behind us, so we were not worried about getting picked up by the van, until we saw it coming back and pass us. We got a little apprehensive and did not want to get picked up so we ended up picking up the pace a lot and booking it into town. Right before entering town we descended down a really fun hill with sharp turns. We got into town and hit 100 miles! The church was just around the corner and as we arrived dinner was being served. It was delicious and included baked ham sandwiches, scalloped potatoes, and veggies, among other items. After dinner we went over to the pastors house who opened her doors for us. We ended up hanging out in her family room talking with her for hours, which was nice. I ended up actually sleeping there. It was much more comfortable than the hardwood floor of the church.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Another Build Day
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Short Ride to Madison
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Marshmellow Suits at the Build Site
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Getting Lost Going to Janesville
Monday, July 13, 2009
Going Back for a Second Look
Today's cue sheet was cut down to about 45 miles by riding along the shoreline of Lake Michigan. Knowing this, we decided to ride the 5 miles back into Chicago and explore a little more. Our first stop was the Bean, which was really cool to take pictures with. Afterwards we had a second breakfast at a cafe in downtown Chicago. Some people decided to stay longer and shop, but Nate and broke away from the group and started to cruise. We were going for a little while until I passed a really nice building and noticed it was Sigma Alpha Epsilon National Headquarters. I had to stop and check it out. I went inside and was taken on a quick tour of the building getting to see some really cool historical things.
Nate and I then continued on our short ride day when all of a sudden we realized we were starving. We ended up in a really nice town in Illinois where we stopped at a bike shop checked it out, and were directed to go to a burger place, called Michael's. We waited about 30 minutes to order, but the wait was completely worth it as the burgers were delicious.
After eating we slowly got back on our bikes and kept riding hoping the day would be over soon. It was weird that such a short day ended up feeling so long. We also ended up driving right past the lunch site at about 30 mph. By mile 40 we realized we missed it and had to stop at a gas station to rehydrate. The ride finally came to an end at about 3:30 and we had a pretty standard dinner and night. Tomorrow should also be an easy ride into Wisconsin.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Our First Century + Chigaco
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Best Build Day!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sweeping into Edwardsburg, MI
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Michigan - Another State Checked Off
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Bowling Green
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Going through Cleveland
Monday, July 6, 2009
Ashtabula, Ohio
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Three States in One Day!

After lunch, things got a little less boring as we tried to teach pacelining to those who did not know how to do it yet. It wasn't great but no one crashed which is progress. As we arrived at the church we were greeted with a few parishioners who volunteered to bring us to their homes to shower. That was pretty nice. Afterward, Sidny and I took a bike ride down to the mall and then got some Steak and Shake. It was my first time there, and I have to say I was impressed. Later that night we finally got around to painting the trailer. If you have not seen pictures yet, I would suggest watching this video from Theo.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Fourth of July
Friday, July 3, 2009
Niagara Falls (7/3/09)

Thursday, July 2, 2009
One More Day until Niagara
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Build Day Number Three
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thunderstorms = Ice Cream
Today was our longest ride thus far on the trip. The cue sheet read about 86 miles and most of us were nervous about the long trek from Palermo to Rochester, NY. The day started out looking gloomy with pending weather. As we began riding the weather turned around and we made some good progress until we got to about mile 60 and the skies turned black. A huge thunderstorm was about to pass through; luckily my group consisting of Rachel, Kelsey, Alicia, and myself were able to dodge the rain and stay dry at McDonald's. There Rachel worked her donation magic and got us 4 free ice cream cones. We enjoyed our snack as we waited for the storm to pass through and it was safe enough to ride again. When we got the go ahead, we set out to finish the ride. The rest of the ride was pretty easy and relatively flat. Others ahead of us were a little misguided by the cue sheet and ended up on the interstate for an exit (...oops). We arrived at Rochester Institute of Technology just before the next band of rain started again and around 6 pm. The people behind us were not so lucky. At RIT we were able to stay in dorm rooms and sleep in BEDS! During the night some of us set out to see Transformers 2, which turned out to be a big disappointment, but it was still fun. Tomorrow is our third build day and going to be a nice break from riding.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Catching Up on the Past Few Days while at the Laundromat
Sunday, June 28, 2009
A Perfect Day Leaving the Adirondacks
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Trying To Make It Through The Adirondacks (6/27/09)
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Friday, June 26, 2009
Entering New York via Ferry
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Taking the Good with the Bad
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
First Days through New Hampshire
Day two of riding began a little less rainy than the first day. After riding at a steady pace for most of the morning we decided to stop at the Foot Hills Cafe in Warner to grab a second breakfast. After a waffle, I was on my way to finish a couple huge climbs and arrive at the host church in New London. Showers were at Colby Sawyer College and a light dinner was provided by the church. Nothing too exciting happened that evening, but I got a good night rest to ready myself for the next days ride.
The following day started out with a lot of downhills and ended with some "fun" climbs in the mountains. Most of the day I was leading the group with Wade, Jeremy, and Nick. We decided to skip lunch and continue riding straight through and past the host sight. We convinced a few more to come along with us on a ride to Dartmouth College (Wade and Jeremy go there). In Hanover, we ate a local favorite restaurant called Molly's. The boneless buffalo wings and bread with honey butter really hit the spot after a hard day of riding. After lunch 6 of us continued to the river to hang out on the docks and go for a swim and canoe ride. We rode down the Connecticut River and crossed the NH border and entered Vermont for the first time. It was nice change of routine to travel using our arms instead of legs. When we were pretty tired from our adventures we finally made our way back to the host site in Lebanon, grabbed dinner, had an Affordable Housing metting (to discuss the reasons why we are here), watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail on the projector as everyone passed out and went to bed.
The next morning was nice because we got to sleep in until 7 and got a home cooked breakfast. We split into 4 groups to go and work with Habitat for Humanity in Lebanon. My group biked about 3 miles down the road and worked at house making finishing touches to a home belonging to a single mother and her daughter. While some people painted trim and siding on the house and shed, I put my landscaping skills to work, weed-wacked most of the front yard and make a mulch bed around a birch tree and planted tiger lillies. We finished around 4 loaded the trucks and rode back to the church. We then took the van back to the Connecticut River for the most exciting event yet. Most of climbed to the roof of a house owned by Dartmouth College students and jumped off taking the 40 foot plunge into the river. It was cold but refreshing and the ridiculous drop made it worth it. I went back up for seconds and thirds as did most of my peers. Having so much fun being crazy, we actually were a little late to dinner, which was provided by another nearby church where some interested church and communities members joined us. Afterward we cleaned our bikes and ourselves and the day was pretty much over as we prepared for what we can expect to be a tough uphill ride in the Green Mountains of Vermont.
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