Sunday, June 28, 2009

Trying To Make It Through The Adirondacks (6/27/09)

Today was a difficult ride for me as I felt as if I had just hit a wall. Everything was sore and I wasn't feeling well, but with the support from the other riders I was able to power through it and finish the ride to Indian Lake, NY. The trip was about 60 miles, which involved some pretty big climbs early in the day and a lot of rain. The worst of the rain was a thunderstorm as we crossed the Hudson River around lunch time. Luckily we found shelter under a roof, ate lunch and waited about an hour for the skies to clear up. They did and we continued our uphill journey. As we climbed to 2100 feet and our destination, the rain was back for a visit, but nothing like the downpour earlier. Because of the slow pace and rain delay, it was getting late in the day (4 pm, when we are supposed to be at the host site) and fear was in us to not be picked up by the van so we pedaled as hard as we could till we got to town. When we arrived we heard good news, we weren't camping anymore because of the weather and were graciously put up by a church in town. Being as tired as I was when I arrived, a grabbed a bite to eat, then set up my sleeping bag and passed out till dinner. I have a feeling this will end up being an early night for everyone as we have more hills and about 80 miles to go tomorrow.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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