Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Build Day Number Three

Again our build site slightly fell through, and they were only able to accommodate about half of us. When we got there Habitat split us up into three groups as they were simultaneously working on three houses in a 2 block area. At my site we moved a bunch of brush out of the backyard to be picked up and disposed of. After lunch we moved inside the house and again split up into three smaller groups. One group hung insulation in the basement as another group put up drywall in 3 plus rooms. I on the other hand did some framework over the front porch putting a peak on it. That was pretty much our build day in a nutshell. When we got back we found everyone else pretty much sleeping and were jealous, but we at least did something satisfying. After a pizza dinner, we had an Affordable Housing meeting where Nick and I gave our presentation on the relationship between homelessness and affordable housing. And that was the end of the night as everyone was exhausted.

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