Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I Really Hope the Wind Dies Down

Today was absolutely brutal. Period. Having a near 90 mile day with winds around 20 mph gusting up to 37, we decided to wake up a 5 and have 2 lunches. I made it through the wind and to first lunch fine, but at first lunch I grew extremely tired and fell asleep for a good hour. I ended up leaving with Sidny and Angel just before the last group. We rode the remaining 60 miles together and it was not easy, especially for me. I was having trouble staying awake while battling the winds. By second lunch I was becoming dehydrated. I was not really having fun, but I persevered and made it to the church around 5:30. It was a long day, but as we arrived they had root beer floats waiting for us. Dinner was a potato bar again, which was really good but repetitive. After dinner and presentations I showered at the University of Minnesota Crookston and was pretty much ready for bed after that. As I sit here writing this, people are worrying about our 119 mile day tomorrow into Devils Lake, ND. We hear its all flat, but it could get really windy. We'll find out tomorrow!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Hi Jonathan
    I heard about your bike ride from your Mom at the Kennedy family reunion today.Just wanted to send along our best wishes. Keep up your great efforts!
    Cousin Janet Shartle and family
    West Island

  2. i really hope the wind dies down too
